Norwich Arts Centre, East
Piers Harrison-Reid
The Full English

Piers Harrison-Reid will work with staff at the local hospital, finding their stories and using poetry to share those stories via digital platforms.
Due to Covid-19 restrictions and the impact of lockdown this project was unable to go ahead.
Piers Harrison-Reid
Having moved from Sheffield to grow up on the sleepy side of Suffolk, Piers Harrison-Reid began to write intensely personal performance pieces inspired by the wordplay and flow of hip-hop, and the passion of punk. Channelling these influences through his combined love of Slam and Dub poetry, he tried to define his conflicted feelings about modern humanity and politics. His self-reflective and cathartic poems now tell the stories of life, love and loss of the people he meets in the hospital, whilst intrinsically acknowledging the toll healthcare professionals take. He aims to focus on the raw nuances of humanity, laid bare on what may be the worst and best times of their lives, and to educate about the current state of the NHS, how poorly we are taking care of our loved ones, and those that care for them.