HOME, North West
Nickie Miles-Wildin
HOME is where the art is

Home is Where the Art is was a collective of Disabled Artists who started metting online in September 2020 to discuss HOME’s programming, influence HOME’s future and inspire their own creative practice. The project had to flex with the times and the group have met almost exclusively online.
Through Nickie Miles-Wildin and Maddy Costa’s creative ice breakers the group built a repour and developed their confidence, ensuring that they felt comfortable enough to be honest about what they did and didn’t enjoy about HOME’s programme.
Each week the group reviewed HOME Manchester’s programming, considering it from the perspective of a disabled and neurodivergent audience. Recommendations made on digital programming were able to be implemented immediately. On a longer term basis, HOME are reimagining their outside programme to ensure it is more accessible and have committed to giving Deaf and disabled artists more roles that are not just linked to their disability.
The group are continuing to work on an artistic piece relating to ‘What Cultivates Inspiration’ and their time with Home is Where the Art is.

Nickie Miles-Wildin
Nickie Miles-Wildin is Associate Director at Graeae Theatre Company where she leads their new writing programme. She is also Head of Young People’s Programme at the Royal Exchange Theatre. Previously she was Resident Assistant Director at the Royal Exchange Theatre as part of the Regional Theatre Young Directors Scheme. As an actor Nickie is best known for her role as Miranda in the Paralympics Opening Ceremony London 2012 and also Beryl – her Bingo playing leopard print wearing alter ego. Nickie loves engaging with communities and creating original, unique, accessible work that can promote change